Body Types Part 2 - Men’s Body Types

Every body has a type. Knowing our body shape is essential to curating the right wardrobe and is a crucial element in our overall style. Body types are not frequently discussed in the fashion world and clothes are often made to suit specific shapes. Trends are generally depicted on a standard male body type, which leaves the rest of us wondering, “Well, what about me?” Once we know what to look for based on our shape and have acquired the basics to enhance our body type, we can deviate from our shape to purchase the latest trends and looks if we desire.

Men generally fall into one of 5 body type categories:

  • Trapezoid

  • Triangle (A)

  • Inverted Triangle (V)

  • Rectangle

  • Oval/round

Before diving into the diverse shapes, it’s important to know about somatotypes as well since we all fall into one or two of these.


A somatotype generally describes body composition, based on skeletal frame, a person’s angles or curves, and how someone may gain or lose weight. This concept is frequently used in the fitness world but is a helpful (although not essential) reference for understanding body type as well.


Ectomorph bodies are long, lean, and angular. They have a difficult time gaining fat or muscle. They tend to be taller and straighter than the average body. Oftentimes, male long-distance runners or basketball players fall into this category.


Endomorphs are the opposite of ectomorphs. They are naturally sturdier and have softer edges, and it’s easy for them to gain both fat and muscle. This, however, does not mean that an endomorph is overweight. Chris Pratt is an interesting and unexpected example of an endomorph. When he’s not intensely training for an Avengers movie, he is naturally thick and tends to gain weight easily.


A mesomorph somatotype is a body that is between endomorph and ectomorph. They tend to have more of an athletic build, and have more muscle than ectomorphs. However, similar to endomorphs, they can gain fat and muscle, but don’t have as much difficulty losing it. Ryan Reynolds is an example of a mesomorph.

Body Types


From a societal perspective, the trapezoid shape tends to be the “ideal” or standard male body type. It consists of broad shoulders and a wide chest, with a slim waist and legs. Off the rack clothing usually fits this body type best. Daniel Craig is an example of a trapezoid type.

Individuals with trapezoid body types have a variety of clothing options to choose from. Since the body tends to be naturally balanced, neutrals or colors and details can be spread throughout an outfit without having to balance one part of the body.


The triangle shape has narrow shoulders compared to the waist. This body type is similar to the oval, but has narrower shoulders. The top half of the body tends to be larger than the bottom half, and should be considered when dressing to create more balance between the two. Comedian Michael McIntyre is an example of the triangle shape.

The best clothes for triangles are those that will balance the top half with the bottom half and create the illusion of broader shoulders. Dark or neutral tones should be worn on top while details, patterns, and color can be worn on the bottom. Tailored clothing is helpful for this type and horizontal stripes should be avoided.

Inverted Triangle

The inverted triangle is similar to the trapezoid shape, but has wider shoulders and a slimmer waist. Because the shoulders are so wide, the top half of the body can look much wider compared to the slim hips and legs that inverted triangles usually have. This body type tends to have lean and long legs. Because of their natural qualities and training, male swimmers usually have a trapezoid or inverted triangle shape. Michael Phelps represents the inverted triangle well.

Like the trapezoid, the inverted triangle will generally fit well in off the rack clothing. Because of their slim waist, shirts may seem baggy depending on the type and width. Tops should be more fitted with a v-neck shape to create the illusion of balance for the shoulders. Straight or slim pants will look best on this body type. Given the slight v-shape, horizontal stripes could be avoided on the top since they create a wider look compared to the bottom half of the body.


The rectangle shape is very proportional between the waist and hips. As its name suggests, this body type has very few curves and follows the straight lines of a rectangle shape. People with this body shape tend to be slim and have a smaller chest and seat. Harry Styles is a classic example of a rectangle shape.

As with any body type, rectangle shapes should follow the lines of their body when it comes to dressing. Straight and fitted clothing will look best on this type. Mid-rise pants work well for this type since it can elongate the legs (depending how tall the individual is). Straight-leg or slim-fit pants look best on this body type. Unlike most body types, rectangle shapes can wear more angular clothing and patterns that include rectangles and vertical lines.


The oval or round shape is characterized by a wider waist, slim hips, chest, and shoulders. Men with this body type usually have a larger top half compared to the bottom half and a rounder face. This body type generally has a slimmer seat and legs. To compensate for this, the style focus should be on creating a balance between the shoulders, waist, and legs. James Corden is an example of a round body type.

For clothing, round types should focus on building up their shoulders. Pieces on the top should be dark or neutral, while patterns or brighter colors can be worn on the bottom. Tailoring jackets and pants will enhance the overall look for these body types. Horizontal stripes should be avoided.

Body types are vital for both men and women to understand. Unfortunately, there isn’t much education on men’s body types, let alone application. But honing in on and understanding our body type informs us how to dress based on our shape, and helps us understand that we are all unique. Despite what the media tells us, there is no ideal body shape. Knowledge of body types helps create a baseline understanding of our own bodies, and a foundation from which to build our own style off of.

Stylishly yours,

Anthony Bolognese and Leah Nalepa


How to Audit Your Closet


Body Types Part 1 - Women’s Body Types