How to Overcome Having a Baby Face in the Professional World

Many people joke about “having a baby face” but for some, this youthful look poses a real challenge, especially in a professional setting. They feel they will not be seen for who they are, do not think people will take them seriously or consider them qualified for the job, or they simply don’t know how to dress for their body and age appropriately. Having a “baby face” can feel like an obstacle, but if you have the right knowledge and tools, any obstacle can be overcome.

Self-deprecation about having a baby face can be either uplifting or harmful, depending on the person. For some, joking about the fact that they look young or can’t grow a beard instills more confidence in them and shows others that they are self-aware. For others, a joke made at their own expense about something they are self-conscious about can be mortifying. If you choose to joke about your baby face, don’t get in your own head and let it bother you. Focus on changing others’ perceptions of your self-confidence by doing so. Having a baby face does not mean you aren’t qualified for a position or job. If you allow self-conscious bias to get the best of you, it will harm your self-confidence and therefore others’ confidence in you. There is a limit to self-deprecating jokes about something we are deeply aware of and conscious about.

A major way to overcome the challenge of having a baby face is to dress in an age-appropriate way, or slightly older if you feel the need to compensate (but not too old). A mistake many 20-30-year-olds make is wearing the latest trends that high schoolers and college-aged students are wearing. Those trends make them look and feel more youthful. Depending on your goal, this isn’t a bad thing. However, if you are trying to overcome your already youthful look, then choosing trends that 18-year-olds are wearing is not the best choice. Rather, find items that resonate with both your personality and age and reflect who you inherently are. In the professional setting, individuals are taken more seriously and are trusted when they look put-together, intentional, modest, and age-appropriate.

Another tactic to overcome a baby face is to wear the right accessories. For women, jewelry can make or break an outfit, but it can also enhance or detract from a person’s overall look. Wear pieces that are harmonious with your face shape. For example, if you have a heart-shaped or round face, wearing round-shaped jewelry may be the best option to create congruence. Those types of pieces will also show there is intentionality behind each item. Conversely, straight angles and hard lines may feel too harsh for your soft face and make you look younger. Jewelry is an easy pathway to cultivating a pleasing – and mature – aesthetic.   

Being cognizant of fit and proportions can aid in overcoming the challenge of youthful facial features in the workplace. Wearing pieces that fit your figure appropriately, that aren’t too long, baggy, or tight, show that you take yourself seriously and put effort into your overall appearance. Young people tend to wear clothes that don’t fit appropriately. Don’t give others a reason to doubt you because your dress or suit didn’t fit properly.

Hairstyles largely influence a person’s overall appearance. Similar to proportions in clothes, your hair ideally should be proportionate to your frame and structure. A shorter woman should consider having shorter hair to balance her body height. The converse is also true. For both men and women, hair care and style are important. Not properly styling, brushing, drying, or generally taking care of it can speak volumes about a person’s appearance and make them look younger than they are. Strive to create harmony between your face shape and hairstyle while also taking good care of your hair, especially in a professional setting.

For women, wearing tasteful make-up is an easy way to look older. Not everyone has to wear make-up, but it is a tool to elevate your look. Like it or not, society has dictated that most women look more polished and put together when they wear at least a minimal amount of makeup.

These are only suggestions on how to deal with having a baby face. Utilize them as you see fit. Ultimately, your experience and knowledge will prove more beneficial in overcoming a youthful appearance. Having a baby face is a challenge, but one that can be overcome in any setting.  

Stylishly yours,

Leah Nalepa and Anthony Bolognese


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